is a crowdfunding disruptive to the life insurance industry as Bitcoin disruption was to the banking industry. LFI the first of its kind on the blockchain, no underwriting or premiums paid, this is what the blockchain and smart contract was designed for. Many in the developing world can't afford life insurance and are restricted based on age, medical status hobbies and many other factors, are denied insurance or just too costly. LFI is supported by crowdfunding of like-minded individuals without the overhead and fees just like it was back in the days when communities used a collection box from neighbors to help a family who lost a family member. that was back in the 1700’s fast forward 300 years we are bringing the old days back through the use of technology as our neighborhood just got much bigger. adalah menggangu crowdfunding terhadap industri insurans hayat kerana gangguan Bitcoin kepada industri perbankan. LFI yang pertama seumpamanya di blok bar, tiada pengunderaitan atau premium yang dibayar, ini adalah apa yang direka oleh blockchain dan pintar. Ramai di dunia yang membangun tidak mampu membayar insurans hayat dan dihadkan berdasarkan umur, hobi status perubatan dan banyak faktor lain, ditolak insurans atau terlalu mahal. LFI disokong oleh orang ramai yang suka berfikir sama sekali tanpa overhead dan yuran seperti yang berlaku pada hari-hari ketika komuniti menggunakan kotak koleksi dari jiran-jiran untuk membantu keluarga yang kehilangan ahli keluarga. yang kembali ke 300 tahun ke depan dengan cepat 300 tahun, kami membawa zaman dahulu kembali menggunakan teknologi kerana kejiranan kami semakin besar. is a crowdfunding disruptive to the life insurance industry as Bitcoin disruption was to the banking industry. LFI the first of its kind on the blockchain, no underwriting or premiums paid, this is what the blockchain and smart contract was designed for. Many in the developing world can't afford life insurance and are restricted based on age, medical status hobbies and many other factors, are denied insurance or just too costly. LFI is supported by crowdfunding of like-minded individuals without the overhead and fees just like it was back in the days when communities used a collection box from neighbors to help a family who lost a family member. that was back in the 1700’s fast forward 300 years we are bringing the old days back through the use of technology as our neighborhood just got much bigger.